What is Life Crumbs?

Life Crumbs are the delicious tiny morsels I find out in the world. And also in my brain, which is part of the world.

It's a collection of essays, drawings and stories borne as a result of walking around and sitting and looking out the window, and sometimes going to places and then things happen to me. Like one time in Norway a wasp kept trying to swoop in and eat my pastry and everyone around me seemed fine with it and I didn't understand. I wrote about that. I've also written about how ideas are like gardens, how imperfections in our art connect us and a story about calorie counting that other people seemed to enjoy.

I write to understand and to find the funny. Find the wisdom. And I write to connect with others. To feel less alone because what I'm writing connects on some level with someone out there. This makes me extremely happy.

I hope you enjoy what you find here and if you would like to say hello, then I would love to hear from you: lifecrumbs@substack.com

About me

I’m a writer and illustrator living in Perth, Western Australia. I love being out in nature, exploring, reading, watching things and eating desserts uninhibited by wasps.

Subscribe to Life Crumbs

Thoughtful and funny morsels about life, creativity, nature, travel, and the various occasions when I've been bullied by a wasp while eating a pastry.


Writer and illustrator. Author of Life Crumbs, a newsletter that delivers thoughtful and funny morsels about travel, life, creativity, nature, and the various occasions when I've been bullied by a wasp while eating a pastry.