Nov 22, 2023Liked by Michael Young

Wow! I love this piece. So thought provoking for me, as well as humorous--a great mix. I laughed to hard my family thought I was crying.

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Again, sorry about my reply going awol! See below again.

Hope you're doing well!

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Feb 24Liked by Michael Young

This is so delightful. I just returned from renting a soulless airbnb in Austin, a city better known for the sound of real fingers on guitar strings, and it felt so dissonant to me to go out and have a weird fun time in the real mural-filled city and then go back to our black & white cyborg dwelling. This puts such a fine (messy, imperfect) point on why.

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment and the kind words, Ryan!

It was one of those times when I wanted to write this so I could try and understand why I was having such a strong reaction to the art. It must have been especially jarring for you seeing all of this amazing human art going on out in Austin, and have that contrasting experience back at your apartment.

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Feb 25Liked by Michael Young

I’m grateful that you did! I think sometimes these initial reactions of aversion or just strong feeling can sometimes cause us to retreat into hipster cynicism or close our hearts in other ways. I appreciate the way this post models and invites, in terms of getting curious about our reactions instead.

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Well thank you again, Ryan. And well put. I'm glad a deep dive into the strong feelings led to something productive!

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Oh thanks so much, WB! It was a fun one to write. I’m so glad it got a few chuckles too despite some concerns from your family!

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